Thursday, October 2, 2008


Alan is in surgery.

A long morning wait, but it progressed smoothly. We did make it to 6 West for a couple of hours so he was able to sleep in a "real" bed for a while.

He did great this morning. He's very calm. As he said, he has no option. Would he prefer not to have surgery? Yes. However, he plans on being around a long time so this is what he needs to do.

We spoke with Dr. K this morning. He is the surgeon we met during the evaluation in August and he is performing the surgery today. He did not have surgery yesterday so he's rested. I checked with anesthesiology as well and they are rested too. (Or, as much as they ever are).

The liver is excellent we are told. As you send your prayers out for Alan, please add the family of the donor.

I expect surgery has started by now (2:00 p.m.) It hadn't yet started at 1:15. They were prepping still.

I will not be in touch by phone, since the reception is terrible and it's too frustrating for everyone. I cannot access email either so I will try to keep you posted by blog as I get updates from the surgery team.

We anticipate 6 - 9 hours of surgery. This means that 8:00 p.m. at the very earliest he would be in recovery. I do not think that is likely.

Alan will be in the hospital for a minimum of 5 days. 7 - 10 days would not be unheard of. He may also end up back in surgery a couple of times before release, and back in the hospital a few times in the first 6 months to a year. All that is possible. I'm hoping not . . .

On the up side, the nurse this morning was from Long Island (so was mom). I figured that might be another sign.

As I left the hospital when they took Alan into surgery, I got "bumped" by a falling leaf, I stepped back for some reason and it dropped on me again. As it landed on the sidewalk I realized it wasn't a leaf, but rather a butterfly. I just figured it was mom. Bruz then told me some cultures do believe that butterflies are people from the past.

It's a long road ahead. Thanks for all of your support and I'll pass on your messages to Alan.


Nikki said...

We are saying our prayers. Prayers for you, Alan and the family of the young man. All things happen for a reason.Keep us posted.

It will be difficult to try and "not" call you. I might not be able to do that, sorry.

We love butterflies, don't we.
We love you.

Love and kisses and big HUGS
Nikki and Alicia

Anonymous said...

I wish so much I could be there with you to try in some way to help you all through this... I have kept my fingers crossed and said my prayers everyday in hopes of this opportunity at life for Alan. As you know, I would do ANYTHING to help bring about this opportunity. I have said a prayer for the donor's family, as I can appreciate the feelings they are having.

The butterfly on your shoulder is most definitely a message from above... and little Shayne is also a sign... a sign that new life is being cast upon your family.

"May the wings of the butterfly kiss the sun
And find your shoulder to light on,
To bring you luck, happiness and riches
Today, tomorrow and beyond."
~Irish Blessing

...Here's to Alan's "tomorrow and beyond"...

I love you all.

(as you call me) "Dr. Bradley" ;)

Anonymous said...

Oh gosh...I cannot imagine the emotional ups and downs you are dealing with. We are praying hard for Alan and for the donor's family as well. I lit a candle today in the chapel for Alan and will go back and light one for the donor's family. That butterfly was a good omen! Take care of yourself!
Love, Marcia

Tammy said...

Alan, Rachelle and family, you are in our thoughts and prayers. My heart goes out to the family of the young man who donated his liver to Alan. Thank you hardly begins to cover it.

Call when you can.
Love Tammy, Earle, Jason, Amanda, Chelsea and Katie

Unknown said...

It must feel like such a relief to finally have surgery underway. I think about both of you every day. Oscar & Harley (I know you spell it differently, but I don't remeber how) say hi and they miss you!!! Many cultures believe that butterfly visitors are spirits of deceased family members saying hello. Alan is in my thoughts & prayers.


Anonymous said...

I am thinking of you constantly and I impulsively check this blog every time I sit down at the computer. Thank you for keeping us updated on the roller coaster ride you're on. Rachelle- the way you write is inspiring to me, and I couldn't help but cry when I read about the butterfly. You and Alan are in my prayers.

Love always,