Sunday, October 26, 2008

Still Here

I cannot begin to tell you how DYSFUNCTIONAL the internet is where we are located!! Let me also say that if you do not hear any news it remains good . . . generally speaking. If there is any not so good news I will make sure to get that out somehow if this system continues to irritate me. Right now it seems to be doing okay.

Back to Alan . . . he's doing well. He's been out of the hospital a week. Walking more every day -- hills and everything. That means he's only up to about 3/4 to a mile, but we think that's pretty great!

The medial drain was removed on Monday of last week at his appointment. He's on a regular diet (well he was on a regular diet for a few hours and then they told him to go light on potassium).

He will have blood work every Monday and Thursday. We will receive a call from the out patient coordinator when they have the results to let us know if everything is okay or if he needs to change anything with regard to medication or diet. We did not receive a call on Thursday so we're maintaining the low potassium diet with everything else pretty much the same. Of course, none of the foods that are restricted.

Still working with high glucose and insulin. At this time, all focused on the medicines and how they interact.

Blood work again tomorrow and then J, A, and the baby over for dinner at night. What an absolute doll . . grandpa tells her lots of stories when we're not around to hear every word, so we're not quite sure what she's hearing.

Fireworks are going off again right now. The last night of the state fair. They have fire works nightly. Weather was great today but expecting a hard frost tonight.

Take care, will update with results when we have them. Hopefully at his next clinic appointment on 11/3 we will have a timeline for heading north. We'll keep you posted.


Anonymous said...

So thankful to hear all is well... I have been worried. Tell Alan I said some people will do just about anything just to have a pretty nurse pull on their "tubes." You know what I am referring to... ;)

Say hi to Aliss and give kisses to the baby for me...

Love you.


Anonymous said...

Hello, News sounds good. I have been keeping up with your blog. We just got home from our cross-country motorcycle trip today. Don't hurry north...IT is Snowing. Saw the pic of your Granddaughter...she is beautiful.
Hugs to all
Cindi Forbes

Lora Smith said...

Hi Alan and Rachelle,
So happy to hear that all is progressing well. Our thoughts and prayers are with both of you. We miss seeing you both around Potsdam and hope that soon you will be back at least for a visit. Our kids ask about you almost on a daily basis and we have been so happy to give them the good news of your progress, Alan. Please know that you are in our thoughts and prayers for a continued "smooth ride". Love, Dave and Lora