Thursday, October 9, 2008

One Week Anniversary

Mentally, physically, and emotionally Alan is doing very well. That said . . .

For those of you who know us well, you know that I absolutely despise roller coasters, and Alan . . not much better. He was always better at humoring the kids and getting on them.

Adjusting anti-rejection medicine is one of the largest and scariest roller coasters I have ever seen. This should probably level out in a few weeks.

He's given medicines for anti-rejection then others for the side effects; be it low magnesium, high glucose, and other extremes.

Down to one drainage tube but the others still empty. The drainage has been sent to the lab as well for testing and everything looks good with that. The goal (very flexible) is Friday for discharge.

The food -- well, I just packed him some so he can eat between meals. You know how much he likes to graze. We were thoroughly educated on what he can and cannot do, and can and cannot eat.

NEVER, NEVER is he allowed to have anything with grapefruit juice for the rest of his life. We will have to all keep that in mind as we offer fruit drinks, cook, etc.

Did you know that black pepper is a fruit??

He can only eat in Grade A restaurants. That sign should always be posted, so hopefully we will never have to ask.

The list goes on. but a new lease on life is worth everything he is going through. I'm sure he'll feel the same way as soon as someone allows him to sleep through the night.

I can never say enough, or be amazed enough that I can truly see the "whites of his eyes". Oh, and he looks like Jack Lemmon, since he hasn't shaved het. He sometimes acts like him as well.

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