Friday, October 17, 2008

Out of the Hospital

Alan was discharged today about 12:30 so we're back at the condo! He was greeted with Welcome Home balloons and metallic type arrangements since he cannot have fresh flowers -- and of course, his beautiful granddaughter.

After napping in a real bed he's up and about and just had a healthy dinner of "eggbeaters" scrambled eggs and wheat toast. He's also enjoyed tomato juice and fat free cream cheese on wheat crackers -- note the theme here??

NO TPN -- (milkshake in a bag)!! We're slowly putting the low fat diet into place and hopefully the drainage will continue to slow. He still has one tube but no IVs. Glucose level is considerably lower, and hopefully it will continue to go down through tomorrow. They feel with the reduction in some medicine and getting off the TPN it should sort itself out.

Medicine is sorted into the boxes, vitals are recorded AND he's had a lemon to eat! That made him very happy.

Back to Clinic on Monday for bloodwork and a check of the drainage. If it still looks pretty good, he will be able to continue the low-fat diet and they will take the tube out. Keep your fingers crossed.

His pre-transplant coordinator is on call this weekend, and as much as we would like to see her, we hope there will not be a need.

Internet is a little sketchy and will most likely not post until Monday after Clinic.


Anonymous said...

Congrats old man! I've been reading of your progress everyday and am so excited for you and your family. Congrats on your beautiful grandbaby. All is well with 5 Hamilton. Now you'll probably want it back! ;) I will continue praying for your recovery. Be well, old mam.


Anonymous said...

Dear All, More good news and I'm really happy for you and, of course, particularly for Alan. Special and ongoing diet, huh?. I'm sure that he's happy and cooperating fully. Please tell him that I'm taking the Jag for a run today on his behalf, as a celebration. Will be doing all the usual things...burnouts, picking up chicks, dreaming that I am 25 again and have a full head of hair, etc.
Love from both of us, Andrew and Marg.

Anonymous said...

Hi there!!

Just checking in to see how our patient is doing... I was hoping for a positive update after your appointment yesterday but I figure no news is good news... Hopefully the tube was removed and all the labs look good!! Please let me know when you get a chance, and also, let me know if there is anything I can do!!

Miss and love you all...

Alicia :)