Friday, October 3, 2008

Day 1 Went Well

Things are going well. Alan had his breathing tube removed this morning, and the nose (threaded down to the abdomen) tube removed this afternoon. All is going well still. Vital signs are strong, ultrasound results were good. Alan is loving his ice chips. When they removed the tube from his throat he sounded like he was a two pack a day smoker for 20 years. It got better as the day progressed.

The surgery was technically challenging due to the portal vein blockage. Dr. K. was by this afternoon as well as Dr. H, the hepatologist. They are both very pleased with the progress he has made thus far. We still go hour by hour praying that it continues to go well.

I anticipate that he may be moved from ICU to the Step Down unit over the weekend.

I was going to stay at the hospital tonight but I am able to call directly in to the unit for updates, which is great. Alan in his "gentle" way suggested I would be of more use to him if I slept in a bed after spending some quality time with the grandbaby. That was after he told the nurse he felt he had been in long enough and was ready to go home . . . which was after he told her something else as she was checking tubes. That I'll not post!!

I'll get an update during the night and before I head out in the morning. If there's any change I'll post, if not it will be the end of the day. I cannot carry anything into ICU so I'll be leaving the computer at home until I can use it again in the hospital.

Weather update: sunny, warm, flowers blooming, bees buzzing. . . And almost everyone walks around getting things done without appearing to be in such a rush like the home state. Maybe it's an attitude I'll adopt while I'm here.


Anonymous said...

I'm so glad things are going well. Thanks for doing this blog to keep us all posted. I check it several times each day. Say HI to Alan, tell him to keep up the good work, and give that beautiful granddaughter a big hug and kiss. Talk to you soon.

Gowings said...

Hi Rachelle and Alan! It's your cyberspace handicapped friends, Lorraine and Gary. I've been checking my email and waiting and waiting to hear news about Alan. Then, like a bolt of lightening, it hits me that you are blogging and THAT was how you were going to keep us posted. DUH!!!! I FINALLY read the wonderful news tonight. We are so glad everything is going well. It's been a difficut journey and it's not over yet but, hopefully, the toughest part is behind you. Now you can focus on the future, Alan,and get well!!! Rachelle, you can focus on a long, happy future with your husband (who occasionally looks and sounds like Jack Lemmon :) )and on learning all sorts of new things you never thought you needed to know! You are in our hearts, thoughts and prayers. Thanks for keeping us posted even if it took me WAY too long to figure out where to look! Take care and hugs to Andrew and Colin and the grandbaby and new Daddy and Mommy! Oh yes, can you post a snail mail address for yourselves? Thanks!!
Lorraine and Gary