Thursday, October 2, 2008


8:45 p.m.
Alan is out of surgery. According to Dr. K. the surgery presented technical challenges which he had anticipated. We knew that there was a chance that a graft would have to be performed to bypass the portal vein going into the liver. My medical terminology is not quite there so I'll not fill in all the details. What we know is this -- The doctors did have to tie off the portal vein because it was not functioning properly. One of Alan's took over and is performing beautifully.

Alan received a 22 year old liver in excellent condition. He did not have to receive any blood and his vital signs stayed strong throughout the surgery. He is in ICU recovery now being bandaged, and having more tests. I should be able to go in and see him hopefully in about 30-40 minutes.

There are no words that will ever be able to express the highs and lows over the past few days -- prayers and everylasting thanks to the donor family, the strength and support of friends, family, and colleagues have helped us get through this first step.

The journey continues one hour at a time. We hope some time in the next 24 hours we will be able to see some tubes removed and positive steps taken.

Memorial Hospital is amazing! The staff, at every level, and every turn have been there unwaveringly. Even those staff not involved in Alan's care have helped me find my way through the halls; literally.

We've long days ahead of us. I don't anticipate Alan being released for several days. The postings will continue, as will our thanks.


Anonymous said...

Thank God the surgery is over and that it went well and I pray that Alan's recovery goes smoothly. I hope you are able to get a little rest tonight after you see him. Just think, you will soon be able to put this behind you and move on with your lives!
~Love, Marcia

Anonymous said...

So glad things are going according to plan . Our thoughts and prayers are with you all. Hope you are taking care of yourself too.
Love, Joyce