Thursday, October 16, 2008

Home Tomorrow

No news is good news, right! I'm accessing internet at the hospital since the condo for some reason in not functioning properly.

Thank you for the calls, emails and posts.

Alan has had quite a few ups and downs over the last several weeks, but in the last couple of days things have leveled out. All numbers seem to be good and we are planning for a discharge tomorrow, Friday, 10/17.

He will be discharged with TPN which is nutrition through a PICC line. As well as the one drain remaining. Things are looking good though and rumor has it that he may have some solid food today.


Anonymous said...

thank you for the post!!! i have been checking this blog everyday and i've been worried since you hadn't given any recent updates... i have to keep reminding myself that you are so busy learning about new meds and diets and helping out with the baby that you don't have a lot of time!!

anyway, things sound GREAT!!! alan is such a fighter!! are you both going to be home the weekend before thanksgiving? if you are and if you feel like having company, i'll be in potsdam for the weekend and i'd love to stop by - even just for a second to give you and the old man a hug... :)

keep me posted if you find the time... love you!!!!

alicia :)

Anonymous said...

Make sure when Al is resting on Saturday that he does NOT watch the Michigan-Penn St game. It could make him sick watching my beloved Wolverines get smacked around. Please make sure he heeds my advice.

The Mitchell-Duve crew iare praying and thinking of both Al and Rachelle (aka Red). We look forward to seeing you guys when you finally get back home- take it one day at a time.
Go Blue! Go Al!
Bill & Niki