Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Day 5

He's doing great! Only two drainage tubes left in and two IV's that are not being used. Most likely he will be discharged on Friday.

He's been walking around the nurses block and hopefully we'll get to the butterfly garden tomorrow. Today was a lot of waiting for things to be removed, and that tired him out. Tomorrow should also be the day he shaves!!!

He made the nurse laugh hysterically with one of his comments. Of course, he didn't see the humor in it -- most men wouldn't have, but we both did. . .

It's amazing how a little thing like sitting up in a chair can make someone feel so good. He was so thrilled when he actually was able to cross his leg and not feel pain.

The most discomfort he has right now -- which at times is pretty intense -- is the arthritic back. Most likely from being in bed so much.

Thanks for the notes and the best wishes. We're receiving mail at Alissa's since we don't know where this mail key is.

That's it for now.


Anonymous said...

We went to walk the Stone Valley trail in Colton and we were talking about Alan and his adventure. After we got back from an absolutely glorious walk in the Fall leaves, I jumped on the computer and was pleasantly surprised at what a bull you have for a husband, Rachelle! We are so happy that things are going well. We were shocked when he stopped us on Hwy 56 to tell us he was leaving to go to NC for a transplant and doubly shocked it happened so fast. Things sound great and he is still lovable Alan.
Thank you so much for keeping all of us who care in the loop of progress. We are so thankful for this result. We are eager to see you both when you return to the North Country. Thinking lots of you and your family, Rose and Gene

elfen644 said...

Aloha loved ones,
I could say that I am not surprised that Alan is doing well - would he have allowed anything else!? Won't go there right now - 'cause perhaps it is also due to the love our Father and our family [immediate & extended] have for such a great guy. Gathering our love, faith, hopes & wishes can be a formidable strength & support. Add the 'signs' we feel of other special support, including the friendly butterfly, we know that Alan and Shell have not been forgotten or overlooked in this very intense time.
Shell - you are doing a wonderful job of maintaining this blog & keeping folks up to date. Reading how well Alan is doing has come to be one of the high points of my day.
May God always hold you very gently in the lam of his hand.
Love B.

elfen644 said...

oops! should read -
May God always hold you gently in the palm of His hand.

Marilyn said...

Hi Shell,
Just heard about Alan's liver transplant....both of you are in my prayers!!!! It sounds like Alan is doing quite well. Give him a hug and kiss from me. You Shelly take care of yourself...don't get to run down.
Oh...so you're a Grandma!!!!!! When you have time..please send me a picture ok? Well, I must go...just wanted to let you both know that I'm thinking of you two. Take care of each other. Alan....be good to the nurses. hehehehehehehehe
Love you both,
Marilyn P. (Merl)