Sunday, October 5, 2008

Day 3 of Recovery

Great day! Well, with the exception of having to watch the football game at the hospital.

Alan spent his first and only day in the Step Down unit today. He's being moved out of this unit to 5 East which is the general floor for transplant patients. He'll be settled there in about an hour.

He was out of bed today for a few hours watching the game or snoozing in the recliner. He actually prefers the bed because he can brace his feet and push against it and stretch that way.

All of his vitals remain strong. He's being moved to 5 East without the bedside monitor. He only has one IV in his Central line (neck) and he has his pain pump.
He'll keep the leg "thingys" that squeeze and help circulation, and also continue using the lung "thingy" that you blow into.

I'm not completely comfortable with the move because it's so fast, but I have had no reason to question any of his medical care. It has been excellent!

I'll be at the hospital first thing in the morning and anticipate tomorrow and Tuesday to be a big learning curve for both of us with regard to his medications, and physical care.

More at the end of Day 4.


Anonymous said...

Wow!! This is all wonderful news. It sounds like Alan is doing exceptionally well. Important question...was he cheering for the Giants? Please give him our best and tell him he has been in our thoughts and prayers constantly. Alicia said she had a nice conversation with you and she really appreciated the call. How are you doing? I hope you are taking care of yourself through all this. How are little Shayne and Alissa?
~Love, Marcia

Anonymous said...

Rachelle and Alan,
I am glad to hear the recovery process is started and going well. I will be keeping your family in my thoughts and prayers. Tim