Saturday, October 4, 2008

Day 2 Recovery

End of day 2 and Alan has had the neck line removed and a smaller one put in place. He hasn't gotten out of bed yet, but that is due more at this time to delays on the floor rather than his recovery.

We had to wait for the line to be decreased and then x-ray to ensure that it's placed appropriately. That had not come back yet when I left the hospital. J., his nurse today, said that if there was anything wrong with the line they would have gotten the x ray results right away.

Once the x ray results are back he'll have a support wrap placed around his abdomen and move to a chair. If it's too late they will not move him to another floor.

Sugar levels are high, which can resolve on their own -- hopefully. Generally this is a result of stress from surgery. Currently they are treating it with insulin, so I hope that is not an issue we will have to deal with. They identify individuals with much lower sugar rates than in the past, with the intent of reducing complications.

More at the end of tomorrow.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

we are finally in a place where I could check the blog.Good news. hope he continues to make progress. I wish I give you a hug.
Cindi & Jim