Friday, October 3, 2008

Day 1 of Recovery

Vital signs were stable throughout the night. Awake and writing with hand to let me know he was too warm. That's a real switch. He has not run any fever. This may be the first time in a long time that he has had a liver functioning well enough to keep him warm.

Ultrasound result from 7:00 a.m. is not in yet. Based on the ultrasound they will remove the breathing tube or put him back into OR for adjustments. The ultrasound is routine on the first morning, and there are no indications that the liver is not functioning properly.

I will update again late afternoon or early evening.


Anonymous said...

Hey ~

I am so happy to hear that Alan is doing as well as can be expected so shortly after his surgery. You are always in my thoughts and prayers.

I will keep checking on his progress which I know will continue to improve with every passing hour as it sounds like you guys have a lot of angels watching over you.

Talk to you soon!

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear all is going well. Obviously you will remain in our thoughts and prayers. Thanks for taking the time to do the updates, we know you've got a lot going on. Relax if you can and appreciate these early moments with your new granddaughter. Mom says they go way too fast.

~Jen and Debby