Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Still Hangin' in there

We've moved to an apartment closer to the daughter so it's much easier to get Alan out for a bit and to visit with the grandchild.

We spent last Thursday doing routine blood work and clinic visits. It took most of the day since we had to head into the hospital twice. We hit rush hour traffic for two parts of the trip so that wasn't much fun.

All of the staples were removed on Thursday and replaced with steri strips. Some of them have already fallen off. Labs on Thursday were good for the liver numbers, but not so good for the potassium and creatinin. Alan had the pleasure of an at home treatment to lower the potassium on Thursday night, which didn't have the wished for results.

Friday was spent at the lab and clinic again. He recieved IV treatment for the potassium all day and we waited for the magic hour of 3:30 for blood to be drawn and then 4:30 for the results. Hoping for less than 5.5. If it hadn't gone down, he might have been admitted to the hospital for the weekend. Thankfully, the level went down to 4.7 so he was released at about 4:40.

Alan's brother was here for the week. He'll be back again just after Thanksgiving and I'll head home for a few weeks. Tom will stay with Alan until I come back.

We celebrated a full Thanksgiving dinner on Sunday with everyone but Andrew. I'll have Thanskgiving with him when I am home.

On Monday we'll move into another apartment. This one will be 1st floor and easy walking distance for Alan to the grocery, and to visit A/S and J.

I'll post again when Alan's in the next apartment. He'll be able to get mail at that one or it can continue to go to the address I already gave.

Thanks for the cards.

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